Home-Owner Control

DIY Block & Estate Management – For & Against Self-Management

By |2019-09-06T20:38:42+00:00September 18th, 2015|Discussions|

It is estimated that roughly 50% of residential leasehold properties in the UK are run through a resident management company (RMC). What is harder to tell is how many of these are under self-management. Based on the numbers of self-managed resident management companies that have approached JFM for help, we think this could be more

JFM Achieves Leasehold Knowledge Partnership (LKP) Accreditation

By |2019-09-06T20:38:42+00:00August 10th, 2015|Announcements|

JFM Block & Estate Management have achieved accreditation by the Leasehold Knowledge Partnership (LKP). For us, this is a major milestone. Our stance on developer relationships and a refusal to work for freeholder-investor landlords has struck a chord with the organisation. Overseen by campaigner, Sebastian O’Kelly, LKP are the only charity in the country that

Right-to-Manage (RTM) – The Burning Questions

By |2019-09-06T20:39:13+00:00July 27th, 2015|Discussions|

Below are some of the more immediate questions that one might ask when considering whether to collectively exercise the Right-to-Manage and take control of a block away from the landlord. This list is not exhaustive by any means and is intended as an initial point of reference only. Should you wish to discuss any of

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