
Is Self-Management Right for Us?

By |2025-01-08T11:52:10+00:00January 8th, 2025|Discussions|

This is a question many lessees consider when seeking ultimate control of their building and finances. However, there are several factors to think about: Complexity... For those in high-rise buildings, with complex legal or accounting setups, or for the many lessees affected by the numerous health and safety obligations now imposed on those responsible for

Why Hybrid Working is the way Forward

By |2024-10-29T22:18:18+00:00October 29th, 2024|Announcements, Discussions|

The debate continues: office-based or home-based work? The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 transformed the office worker landscape, for better or worse, depending on who you ask. At JFM, we stand firmly in favour of the hybrid model. Advocating for more remote work has become significantly easier recently, with productivity being a key factor: 77% of

Managing Agents & Antisocial Behavior: What Can & Can’t be Done?

By |2021-01-29T11:06:27+00:00October 1st, 2020|Buildings, Discussions|

The following blog post was written by one of our Property Managers, Rizwan Valiji, as part of his Trainee Programme. What the Property Industry Considers ASB The Association of Residential Managing Agents (ARMA) refers to examples of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) as intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse and noise.  The first call to action that residents

Common Homeowner Management Issues

By |2020-05-29T11:19:11+00:00May 29th, 2020|Buildings, Discussions|

The following blog post series has been written by one of our property managers, Vivian Emanuel. Vivian was our first employee to graduate from JFM’s internal property management training programme in January 2019. The series was produced by him as part of his training, but we’ve held on to it before publishing a little longer

Reserve Funds for Leasehold Blocks – Statutory Intervention Required?

By |2020-05-29T11:13:20+00:00May 4th, 2016|Discussions, In-depth Articles|

Instead of insisting that landlords undertake impractical assessments of a leaseholder’s ability to pay, let’s remove the legal roadblocks so landlords can start putting sensible rolling reserve plans in place. Let’s educate the public about the dire financial implications of pushing works into the future. Give leaseholders all the data they need at the start

DIY Block & Estate Management – For & Against Self-Management

By |2019-09-06T20:38:42+00:00September 18th, 2015|Discussions|

It is estimated that roughly 50% of residential leasehold properties in the UK are run through a resident management company (RMC). What is harder to tell is how many of these are under self-management. Based on the numbers of self-managed resident management companies that have approached JFM for help, we think this could be more

Right-to-Manage (RTM) – The Burning Questions

By |2019-09-06T20:39:13+00:00July 27th, 2015|Discussions|

Below are some of the more immediate questions that one might ask when considering whether to collectively exercise the Right-to-Manage and take control of a block away from the landlord. This list is not exhaustive by any means and is intended as an initial point of reference only. Should you wish to discuss any of

Changing Managing Agents – Top 10 Things to Consider – A Short Series (iii)

By |2019-09-06T20:38:42+00:00July 2nd, 2015|Discussions|

Part 3 - Changing Managing Agents – Top 10 Things to Consider    8. Client Login Personally, if I could not administer and carry out certain fundamental functions online for my banking, utilities, mobile phone and so on, I really would despair having to make the time to have to phone the relevant institution instead. If you

Changing Managing Agents – Top 10 Things to Consider – A Short Series (ii)

By |2019-09-06T20:38:42+00:00June 26th, 2015|Discussions|

Part 2 - Changing Managing Agents - Top 10 Things to Consider   5. The Size of the Property Manager’s Portfolio There are very well-known and successful firms of block management firms out there which seemingly do quite well out of the claims that they restrict their property managers’ portfolio sizes to, let’s say, 10 blocks/estates. This

Changing Managing Agents – Top 10 Things to Consider – A Short Series (i)

By |2019-09-06T20:38:42+00:00June 24th, 2015|Discussions|

Part 1 - Changing Managing Agents - Top 10 Things to Consider - Costs The Standard Management Fee It is not acceptable nowadays for a firm to bill their management fee in any way other than a set fee per unit. If the agent you have or are considering moving to charges a percentage of

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